Friday, December 13, 2013


Global citizenship is something that is embraced by so many people in today's society.  Individuals from different countries that travel abroad and many times these individuals meet someone and enter into a relationship that results in a child... our most precious gift.  Relationships today can have a lot of challenges and unfortunately many end in separation or divorce.  When a multi-cultural relationships ends this way it is not uncommon for the non-national individual to want to take the child and permanently relocate back to their country of origin.  However, it is not unrealistic to think that the other parent is not going to allow this to happen, so all too often the parent that is wanting to leave creates an elaborate plan that enables them to illegally remove the child from the country despite any court orders or the other parent's wishes.  This is the nightmare that is the world of international parental child abduction.
The Christmas holiday season brings about a dramatic increase in the international parental child abduction cases around the world.  Would-be abducting parents will use the holidays as a time to implement their schemes that they have been planning for weeks or even months.  Sadly, most targeted parents are not aware that these schemes are underway until it's too late.  It is imperative that we do everything that we can to ensure children are protected from abduction because the reality is, that children of abduction, regardless if they are taken by a stranger or a parent, are emotionally, spiritually, and often severely physically abused.  Once a child is kidnapped there is no guarantee that they will be coming home. Too many children never come home: they can't. They're gone forever.
imagesIn order to protect against international child abduction schemes that revolve around the wrongful detention of a child, the I CARE Foundation has created the International Travel Child Consent Form.  With an estimated 85% of all international parental abductions dealing with a child being wrongful detained in a foreign country, it is geared at potentially preventing the majority of these types of parental kidnappings.
In the short time that this ground-breaking abduction prevention tool has been in use, not only has it made an enormous impact in the world of international child abduction, but it has also been acknowledged by major child abduction prevention stakeholders around the world, including Hague Conference on Private International Law Secretary General Mr. Christophe Bernasconi, who stated:
"I have had the possibility to look at the travel form and must say that I am impressed: this is the most comprehensive document of its kind that I have seen so far and there is little doubt in my mind that this is a most valuable and important effort to prevent child abduction. I applaud your efforts and wish to congratulate you and your team . . . It is really impressive to see how quickly your international travel child consent form has started to yield practical results and how well you monitor its operation - this really is remarkable."
Peter Thomas Senese, the I CARE Foundation's Executive Director, reports on the success of the Travel Consent Form thus far:
To the best of our knowledge, since the creation of the I CARE Foundation's International Travel Child Consent Form, all children traveling abroad from Hague Convention signatory countries who were expected to return to their country of original jurisdiction have come home. There have actually been several cases where one parent initially refused to sign the International Travel Child Consent Form, and in each of those cases, the overseeing judge would not permit travel.  At that point additional measures were put into place in order to prevent a future parental abduction.

It is critical for all parents who are allowing a child to travel abroad to understand is that there are numerous traps and schemes that a would-be abductor will use in order to legally keep a child abroad. Most of these schemes revolve around Articles 12 and 13 of the Hague Convention of the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction. Defending against these potential strategies is critical. It is the thrust of the I CARE Foundation's International Travel Child Consent Form.  And with tens of thousands of children around the world targeted for international parental abduction each year, our travel consent form may be the most effective tool that could help prevent abduction or help return a child to their country of original jurisdiction under the spirit of Article 2 of the Hague Convention.
For those parents that are allowing or are required to allow a child to travel to a foreign country need to strongly consider having the other parent sign the International Travel Child Consent Form.  Should that parent not be willing to, this is a very serious warning sign that they may be planning an abduction.
WarningSignsWhile we are on the topic of warning signs, knowing the WARNING SIGNS of international parental child abduction, as well as knowing what to do if an international parental child abduction is in progress is vital in being able to protect children from international abduction. The truth is, all parents should be aware of the these things, but If you should happen to be a parent in a high-conflict relationship, especially if your partner has ties abroad, you would be considered in a category of extreme risk.
For at risk parents... those parents that are involved in child custody disputes, separation or divorce... you must be proactive in protecting your children.  Often, parents that are involved in international child custody disputes and who may be targeted for abduction think that their child is best protected from abduction when there is a court agreement in place for the child to return if the other parent is granted travel.  The truth is that unless there is an International Travel Child Consent Form that has immediate ramifications attached to it, the parent and child targeted for abduction are at serious risk. 

Hague Conference Secretary General Christophe Bernasconi Urges Parents To Use The International Travel Child Consent Form To Protect Children From Abduction:

While the winter holiday season is often one which presents many opportunities for festive family celebrations, it is also a period in which sadly more parental child abductions occur. As a result, it is more important than ever to take steps to prevent the wrongful removal of children so that abductions which are covered by the Hague Convention of 25 October 1980 on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction do not occur in the first place.
Prevention can be achieved in several ways. For example, when one parent intends to travel with his or her child without the other parent, the other parents consent to the travel should first be obtained. One of the ways a parent can demonstrate that they have the approval of the other non-travelling parent is by having him or her sign a clear, comprehensive travel consent form which includes a statement that the non-travelling parent agrees to the travel but also that the child is to return to his/her place of habitual residence on or before a specific date. A model travel consent form for this purpose has recently been developed by the I CARE Foundation and is, I understand, already widely used by parents in various jurisdictions. Use of the I CARE Foundation's comprehensive Hague-centric travel form that addresses key aspects of the Hague Child Abduction Convention pertaining to a child's international travel are central to protecting against a child's wrongful retention abroad.  The I CARE Foundation's International Travel Child Consent form and similar comprehensive models deserve further encouragement so as to prevent child abduction and perhaps even limit instances of child trafficking in general.
The Hague Conference on Private International Law, the Secretariat for the Hague Child Abduction Convention, wishes the I CARE Foundation and its constituents a happy holiday season and hopes that precautions such as the one described above are able to prevent unnecessary anxiety and trauma for parents and children who are affected by holiday travel plans.
With Best Wishes,
Christophe Bernasconi, Secretary General
The Hague Conference on Private International Law
A recent press release regarding the International Travel Child Consent Form not only shares the support from Secretary General Bernasconi but also other top lawyers and judges from around the world.  You can view this release HERE.

A Parental Abductor's Scheme:

As part of a would-be abducting parent's scheme, their lives become filled with deceit.  As part of their elaborate plan for abduction, the would-be abducting parent may create a facade of being happily married and committed to their relationship, all while planning on how to get the child abroad.
A common scenario might be for the would-be abductor to state that it would be nice if they could travel to their country of origin for what might appear to be a family vacation to visit a sibling or parents over the holidays.  When the family arrives in the foreign country, the would-be abducting parent may file false claims of abuse and neglect against the other parent.  Once this is done, they notify the other parent that they and the child will not be returning back to the country of original jurisdiction.  At this point, the targeted parent is generally forced to return back home without their child where they then need to seek legal assistance.
Multiple studies have shown that an unprecedented number of abductions have occurred where one parent took action to deprive the other parent of contact with their child. The majority of abducting parents typically use the child as a tool to cause the targeted parent great pain and suffering. Their intent is simple: to make the other parent suffer as much as possible by depriving that targeted parent with the love and connection to their own child. Nearly every published study on this subject has concluded that an abducting parent has significant, and typically, long-term psychological problems and may in fact be a danger to their child.
This is the reality for hundreds of  thousands of families.  However, we can stop parental abduction.  Awareness is the key.

Protecting Children: U.S. Abduction Rates Decline & Abduction Prevention Programs

The I CARE Foundation commenced formal operations in 2011 with the mission to protect children from abduction.  Since that time there has been a dramatic decline in the rate of reported abductions originating from the United States.  The fact of the matter is we are not alone in our efforts, however there is no question that our outreach efforts have made a incredible impact on the lives of the families that we have voluntarily assisted.
In 2011 it was forecasted that there would be a 25% increase in the abduction rate, but in reality, the reported rate of U.S. outbound abductions declined by over 15%. The following year, 2012, had the actual reported abduction rate drop by over 16%.  What is most remarkable here is that these declines come after nearly 30 years of growth in the international parental child abduction rate. It is anticipated that we will see another significant decline in the abduction rates for 2013.
Although worldwide abduction rates have not been reported since 2008, this has little to do with the Permanent Bureau of the Hague Conference, but instead a failure by signatory countries to report their inbound and outbound abduction rate. However, it is believed that the global rate of abduction continues to steadily climb out disturbing rates. With the worldwide launch and utilization of the I CARE Foundation's International Travel Child Consent Form, there is the expectation that the actual global rate of abduction will start to decline.
There are two programs that are available to U.S. parent citizens that may aid in the prevention of their U.S. child citizen from being internationally abducted.  
The Children's Passport Issuance Alert Program (CPIAP) is one of the Department of State's most important tools for preventing international parental child abduction. Parents are able to register their U.S. citizen children under the age of 18 in the Passport Lookout System.  If at some point a passport application is submitted for a child that is registered in the CPIAP, the Department of State contacts and alerts the parent(s).  This system provides the parent(s) with advance warning of possible plans for international travel with the child.
The Charleston Passport Center is responsible for administering the Children's Passport Issuance Alert Program:
U.S. Department of State
Passport Services, Charleston Passport Center

Attn: Children's Passport Issuance Alert Program
1269 Holland Street, Building D
Charleston, SC 29405
The Prevent Departure Program (PDP) is another critical tool used in the fight to protect children from international abduction.  In the past, American parents at risk of having a child illegally removed from the United States had to deal with the reality that it was extremely difficult to stop an international child abduction if the other parent possessed a right of American citizenship (sole or dual citizenship). Part of the problem is that the United States has limited exit controls and government published information regarding programs that could be utilized to stop international parental child abduction such as the Prevent Departure Program require a suspected international parental child abductor to not have a right of American Citizenship, among a host of other requirements.
75881.1561547Today, parents who are at risk of having a child internationally abducted by a parent who possesses citizenship to the United States of America or who has dual citizenship may be able to protect their children from abduction.
If you should happen to be an at-risk parent that believes your child's other parent is planning or is in the process of an international parental abduction, please contact the United States Department of State's Office of Children's Issues Abduction Prevention Bureau to discuss potential measures that may be available to you to ensure the individual parent suspected of an international child abduction threat does not illegally depart the United States and remove your child in violation of a court order or in breach of your right of custody.
Similarly, be sure to contact the Office of Children's Issues Prevention Bureau to discuss if there are potential prevention techniques unique to your case that may allow the Department of State to work with other federal agencies so to secure your child is not a victim of international parental child abduction.
Individuals that are seeking the assistance of the Department of State and the implementation of the Prevent Departure Program should make sure that they have the following information ready to submit to the Office of Children's Issues:
  1. Full name, date, place of birth of Potential taking parent.
  2. Full name, date, place of birth of Potential left behind parent (and PLBP’s contact info, including a surface address).
  3. Passport number and issuing country (if available, and not U.S.) for both parents.
  4. Full name of child.
  5. Date, place of birth of child.
  6. U.S. passport number of child.
  7. Passport number and issuing country of any dual national passport of child (if available).
  8. Copy of court order with travel restrictions.
  9. Full contact details, including a 24/7 phone and email (to email court documents, we do not have after hours fax access), for law enforcement contact.
  10. Details of potential travel plans.
The United States Department of State
Office Of Children's Issues
Abduction Prevention Bureau
SA-17, 9th Floor
Washington, DC 20522-1709
Phone: 1-888-407-4747   or   202-501-4444
To contact the I CARE Foundation concerning abduction matters please email us at 
Outside of the I CARE Foundation's International Travel Child Consent Form, the United States government and agencies such as the Department of State continue their remarkable work attempting to protect children from international parental child abduction.
In fact, it is estimated that the Department of State successfully requests placement of 8-10 individuals on the Prevent Departure Program each and every month while also overseeing an estimated 60 applications for the Passport Issuance Alert Program.  The work that the Department of State does with these programs has played a major role in the 15% and 16% decline in international parental child abduction rates during the past two years.
According to a recent report from the Department of Justice, children who are kidnapped by a parent face severe physical abuse... but not only that, they are also put at an extreme risk of being murdered by their own parent.
In fact, Dr. Phillip Resnick, the Director of Forensic Psychiatry at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland stated in an article that was published by the Denver Post a few years ago about parental child killing, “Historically, one out of 33 homicides is a parent killing a child younger than 18.” Dr. Resnick, who conducted a study on filicide in 2005 states “Filicide, the deliberate act of a parent killing his or her own child, is the third-leading cause of death in American children ages 5 to 14.”
Filicide, a parent murdering their own child!  This is certainly not a topic that anyone would like to discuss but we really need to. We need to bring awareness to something that is so unbelievably horrific!  According to the Denver Post reports, “Researchers estimate 250 to 300 children are murdered by their parents each year in the U.S.  Filicide occurs everywhere.  It is definitely not a phenomenon isolated within American borders.  Simply put, parents do kill children!  And we can’t put our head in the sand and think this does not exist.
Parental child abduction is a serious crime.  When a child is abducted they must be immediately considered to be in great danger!

Peter Thomas Senese: Testimonials Regarding His Work Helping Children and Families In Crisis

testimonials_signClearly, protecting children from parental abduction requires an indefatigable commitment to stand unbowed so children and their families may never know the nightmare that is the world of international abduction.  Peter Thomas Senese has proven time and again that he is deeply committed to his goal of preventing child abduction.
There are numerous sworn testimonial letters from individuals regarding the advocacy and volunteer work that Peter does each and every day.  Many of these letters are related to recovering and bringing home children who were abducted or who were targeted for abduction, however there are also several letters that share his deep desire for helping others who may be facing severe medical issues.
Ultimately, each one of these sworn letters shares not only a little insight, but also a unique perspective of who Peter Thomas Senese is.
Not only is ‘Chasing The Cyclone’ educating others about the crisis at hand, a call-to-arms accurately fitting the bill, but it is a story that’s publication has had a major impact on society. Specifically, Peter Thomas Senese has donated 100% of his book royalties to the I CARE Foundation, a not-for-profit child abduction prevention organization that is doing some truly remarkable things to help protect children and parents targeted for abduction.
Unquestionably, Mr. Senese has taken a great leadership role in the area of child abduction prevention as exemplified by the numerous widely distributed research studies he has authored . . . Mr. Senese’s leadership put forth in creating a national network of attorneys willing to come to the aid of parents and children targeted for abduction is remarkable.
A week after my son's abduction, I contacted Peter Thomas Senese, as he is well respected in the world of international child abduction prevention.  Peter told me that I needed to be patient, and that it may take a few months, but that he (the I CARE Foundation) would bring my son home by the end of the summer. His words were not simply words. They were met by incredible actions. I am thrilled to say that today my young, defenseless son is safe at home here in the United States after a four month long nightmare of global abduction that offered no realistic hope or possibility of me ever reuniting with him if it were not for Mr. Senese’s remarkable efforts. My son is home today because a miracle was needed . . . and that miracle showed up in Peter Thomas Senese . . .

Chasing The Cyclone: How To Prevent A Child From Being Abducted

Peter PhotoPeter Thomas Senese, author of the critically-acclaimed novel 'Chasing The Cyclone,' about a father searching for his internationally abducted son, has had a far-reaching social impact.  It is being called both a call-to-arms against the wide-spread epidemic of international child kidnapping, as well referred to as a blue-print on how to either prevent a child from being abducted, or how to reunite with your child.
In addition, Chasing The Cyclone has enabled something remarkable: it has helped reunite children with their parents, as Peter Thomas Senese has so generously donated 100% of his author royalties to the I CARE Foundation.
To quote Peter Thomas Senese,  "The I CARE Foundation is actively trying to reunite other children who have been internationally abducted with their families. I think my readers have a deep sense of satisfaction knowing that when they purchase one of my novels, they are making a measurable difference in the life of a defenseless child - and that is pretty cool."
So, in an effort to help us prevent international child abduction, please take a few moments and educate yourself about the WARNING SIGNS of international parental child abduction.  It not only protects your children but perhaps other children you might know.... isn't that worth a few minutes of your time?
If you would like to learn more about the criminal act and schemes of parental child abduction, or to download a free copy of the International Travel Child Consent Form visit the I CARE Foundation website.
If an international parental child abduction is imminent or is in progress, click here.
And lastly, to purchase your copy of Chasing The Cyclone, please visit Amazon or Barnes and Noble.
Wishing you the best of the holiday season!